butzi # >9000

hey guys
since i'm bored as hell i'm looking for a backup spot to play sometimes

about me

- 16 (soon 17)
- Able to speak GermanyUnited Kingdom et un peu France
- med ( cf skill = UBERHIGH)
- allrounder
- obviously clean :D
- nearly everyday avi (except i've got a tennis tournament :D)

About you

- clean
- participate in leagues/cups
- around my skill (dont want to get carried)
- nice guys
- stable lu

for all who dont care a nice chick :)
why don't u care about meeeee :(
image: hot-chick-wallpaper
just med? cf disappoints me :(
is hell bored?
don't you deserve a clan using a name butzi as it sounds like butchji
At least change your name, maybe then someone take you to their team.
best of luck
best of shit GL
gl hf :P
OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
est-ce que tu as un problem avec mon francais?
oui un gros problème même
pourquoi? parce que je ne fait pas des accons.?... je ne sait pas comme faire celui avec mon clavier :(
:D nice one! accent* btw :)
gl butchji
gl dicker :)
bad picture but still gl =)
butchji faker
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