We're looking for 2 players who can be avi to play and maybe participate with our team in some leagues. We want the experienced field ops and engineer smg, experienced; (means that u know how to make good airstikes :O etc, and the same about engineer we dont need someone who want to play engineer like a agressive medic) . It's ours lineup:
- light
- shivaa
- btw
U can find us on #Fallen.One
Few words for haters:
Before you leave some stupid comment put your nose to ass and suck
We're looking for 2 players who can be avi to play and maybe participate with our team in some leagues. We want the experienced field ops and engineer smg, experienced; (means that u know how to make good airstikes :O etc, and the same about engineer we dont need someone who want to play engineer like a agressive medic) . It's ours lineup:
- light
- shivaa
- btw
U can find us on #Fallen.One
Few words for haters:
Before you leave some stupid comment put your nose to ass and suck
gl =)