#eCology reborns and re-recruits

#eCology clan that exist for 3 years with skilled 3v3 squad and wannabe 6v6 one.

So recruitment for 6v6 wannabe squad only, i don't know what you call med+ now but we need low to med (wannabe be skilled) players who active and can speak English, any class welcome. Soldier would be great.

Many good and known players passed though this clan, so this is your chance now to apply for 6v6 squad. On #eCology pm eAsh(me) or Poussino(Gonzo).

The squad must be set within month so we can rejoin CB and available cups.

Offer only for 1-2 players since we miss just few.
hehe gl gonzolina :O
where is kaze (fat444) ? banned ??? :O

<3 poiu, what do you want for your movie ? =DDD
tg connard j'suis la . :)
gl eCology and poiussino >:]
gl sexy bitches :)
I seriously doubt in you abilities as a leader mdma...
2 weeks or 3 if you're lucky enough
gl tho
of course honeymoon, i guess i earned that for bringing fuckit-gaming to same OC and other CB results as your, two years old clan in 6 month i was leader of it.

and yep, eCology was a 6v6 clan under me for 3 month after you left or got kicked from it. I don't remember exact reason. What I do remember that 6v6 squad dead because ive got to hospital and passed surgery but of course you missed than part since you wasn't there by then.
Talking of your magical leading skills... What you achieved within some months was only because of your extraordinary skill of convincing good players to join your clan. In the end they all left and not only because of your illness or whatever you had, but you sucked as a leader, you asked too much from then, not to mention your gay talk in vent.
hf boys!
you don't even know how right you are
I wasn't talking about my magical skills but about my ability to keep clans much more than 2 weeks on contrary to what you mentioned while recruitment of good player is certain skill of leader. So you it was nice self argument in your flame bait

You said "i'm 2-week clan leader"
i said no, i am not since any clan of mine even most unsuccessful drugs been alive for few month.

So basically you don't know what you talking about. Just flaming me coz i never say im med+ or best clan leader in the world like all you kiddies on crossfire do while trying to get something.

Gay talk.... hehehehe. Yes my voice is really gay, most of ppl posted here know my voice and would agree with you.

Now get back to what ever cave you hiding at and start flaming from there ppl who are younger and less intellectual than you.
Haha... Come on! So, you're the intellectual in here.

" ppl who are younger and less intellectual "- so, you basicly mean: " pls dont critisize me, otherwise noone want to join my clan " Okay, I got the picture! My sincere apologies Almighty Mdma for telling how the way is...

But whatever, as i said 2 or 3 weeks... After that, you gonna just try again maybe and of course fail as always.
thanks, you so kind

doesn't matter how much you flame me, ppl will join that clan and those who want to check your poor arguments will do it on CB website which is far more a proof than words of some angry troll who got kicked from clan for very certain reason.
they had pixx and nForce, JOIN THEM :-)
gl mdma and Gonzo :)
Thanks Immortal
gl mdma , nice guy.
Gl mascot aka Gonzo aka poiu :*********
gl md
hehe cROD hehe
hi ash!

good luck...

ecology.. brings back memories! :P
nice to see you still ETing, maniac.
gl boys
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