clouver busted omg

Description Cheating a second time // VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 80465

And that is guidspooffing at public server and I got 1year ban, is that fair?

many people who plays in EC uses guidspoof and that aint hack imo.
^And i only used guidspoofer that i could play on this public server cos they banned me with false reason. Thought i was hacking. Lol.. i wouldnt do something like that.. ;S

i tried to change my guid, because I am banned from those public servers, and there arent any players in other servers at night except cybergames but those are pretty fucking boring tbh.

so I am banned now for what? hacking? not ? ETPRO GUID BAN, helll yeah!
Was fucking obvious against sGp during the first SC match.
fuck yea. <3
or maybe thats just because i have played 6times longer this game than you, and i dont even know why we play in 2nd division, your team was full of noobs, but maybe i can take that for a compliment : )
I wasn't even playing stupid nerd.
omg funny real lifer : )
obvious that he used a guidspoofer?

phook customer, private bot deserves 10 years.

i don't give a shit if you had to reconnect every map
i deserved that ban allready man... thats just so fucking lame to get banned by some public etpro guidspoofing..... i can send you every fucking demo i got in this computer and you wont find any haxes eerhm...... just fucking unban me be fair once in a life time
You don't need to reconnect after every map :s
fuck off palehook customer
palehook list :P:P:P
Bye bye 8DD
>many people who plays in EC uses guidspoof and that aint hack imo.
"many people who plays in EC uses guidspoof and that aint hack imo"

rofl, that's why many EC players are hacking?

Hope u get banned for 10 years more, u little cheating bastard.

Last 2 months it was funny as fuck to play with some "known" EC players.. a lot of them used hacks, which I could perfectly see later after reviewing the demo's

Hopefully SLAC will come out soon, if it comes..
so guidspoof = hacking? YEAH when you spoof your guid you get a HUGE advantage in ET. and that is mega super duper hacking and they should be punisment by 10 YEARS. are you just a fucking idiot or why you are so offended (soon off end and dead i hope) by that what i just wrote

I can play with slac no problem : - )
oh mister, let me ask you this very simple question: WHY would you use a guidspoof?
if some nerd bans you from all of publics you like to play just for a no reason, and there arent left any funny publics you can play with your old guid what should i do? mmmmmmmmmmm LEMME THINK, i would atleast use it : ) 1 year ban from that is lilla bit too much, or even bans fucking unban me allready :E
you don't get banned from several servers for no reasons, I could imagine if it were just 2 or 3 servers..
but getting banned from more servers just means ur kinda obvious, and mr. palehook everyone knows u got private hax already
those noob publics are most fun : ) maybe i am just too good there so they like to ban me from there : D EVEN IF I DONT CHEAT YOU THINK IM CHEATING, i could take this for a compliment : ) everytime same shit :-D
<clouver> 3 words
<clouver> fuck you
guidspoofing is not allowed, no
so you care if someone uses it in public servers? i was just lazy, using hamachi you can also change your guid easy but too much work...........

so why it is not allowed ?
Guidspoofing is not allowed, no matter which way you will choose to change it...
well i could bust atleast 20guys now

but can you tell me why that isnt allowed. YOU THINK I DONT KNOW THAT IS NOT ALLOWED IF I AM BANNED BY THAT NOW ? :E
You can easily spoof someones guid, claming that you are that person, for example spoofing guid of some known player, who is not active anymore.

Anyway, you were banned, and you were trying to go around this by changing your etpro guid. It is a cheating, and it always was. In that case you are cheating an admin, who made decision about banning you from that server.
well i got banned from clanbase, and that means clan matches right?

I tried to join in random public server, and i was planning to play fair without any cheats dude, without any advantage. and thats cheating man ? huh.

maus, and i know many others who used that too for example check how many guids he has. he just want to be unknown when he plays at the public server, thats not cheating.

if he will get caught by that, i bet he wont even get banned.
if you got any solid proof of your accusations you should share it. just stating it is not enough, even if most people are probably aware of what you say and more.
bust 20 guys then
because it exists with malign intent. just such as, and with, cheats.

if you try to think about it, and the outcome of the act, from the other parties perspective you will probably see why it seems villainously. Though, that you spoofed on that exact server and on that exact time is quite irrelevant afaik
ul mate :)
yes that's more than fair, too bad it's not a lifetime ban for being retarded enough to get busted even twice.
more than fair, nice opinions dude. i think you is mr reatarded here tho who suffers about polak disorder and sum daddy izzuez his not even capable to speak about the subject... everyone here seems to have same problem and in classical psychology, projection is always seen as a defense mechanism that occurs when a person's own unacceptable or threatening feelings are repressed and then attributed to someone else and so on......
but I just forgot just one factor, you all are nerds, sad nerds so maybe thats pretty general in here. : )

so my point is can you talk about the subject: guidspoofing, and WHY THE FUCK IT IS NOT ALLOWED.

if you could remember that, you could also succeed in your real life a lilla bit more and that goes for all of ya :------)




enjoy ban cheater
I will, i will enjoy that one year : ) on the one hand...on the other hand you can enjoy taking away your pimples in yar face ugly sad nerd xD
+ you have money to spend on cheats unlike that nerd :D:D
calling me nerd while ure the one paying for a hack is just amusing, plus ure jokes are awesome =)

oh no wait, its not amusing, now that i think about it, i gotta say its pretty sad =<
hard life u gotta have there =/
yeah womens like to say my life is hard, if you know where my life begins you know : )

lazy ass fucker go fuckyourself
k at this point it gets retarded
ure comments contain neither content nor sense

enjoy ban, bb

yes you are right this time, those bans are nonsense too, they should ignore it and unban me : )
Cry more, just agree that ur retarded
mad hacker is mad!
HAHA you made my day :_DDDDDDDDDDDD
don't tell me about freud if you have no clue what you're actually talking about. trying to appear smart but failing :_D learned about that in school yesterday?
ouh and i'm wondering who's the nerd here :-)

why should it be allowed? it's part of hacks. exclusively. you shouldn't even have access to stuff like that. but oh wait, you also bought palehook FOR MONEY, why should you care. especially since your reputation is fucked up enough anyways you should maybe think twice before risking to use a guidspoofer to play on some public?! god how retarded. enjoy your ban.
dont blame him, forgot to say to him that u cant use that with pb :))) Then i said, TROLLED HARD! :)
again? surprisebuttsex :ugly:
banning for guidspoofing in public is just lol.
if i wanted to pub and kept being kicked for no reason i would prolly spoof too if i had the tool in my comp

xfire tards just want to see people getting banned for whatever, no news there
you also always get kicked on pubs for no reason?
yup im getting banned/kicked for no reason for example!
im also banned from hirntot,some of these admins are just retarded...
Yea thats a reason to get a guidspoof and do that shit D:
Who gives a fuck

oh yeah.. stupid nerds ofc :D
Ole hiljaa ja kärsi X-dddddddd
i need ip changer guid spoof if for noobZ :<
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