fake gebot, kein mensch ist so dumm und bietet auf nen rogue der mit lvl 70 nichmal revered is bei den hauptfraktionen, bzw. noch mit lvl 60 items rumrennt wenn er sie bereits durch random rares hätte ersetzen können
sure but its not even hard to get new great gear, daggers, trinkets whatever..
ofc the setbonus of the t3 or t2 is nice but just wait a month or two and there will be better stuff :)
and the first few heroic instace's are not THAT hard pls
true, cba with the upcoming 25man instance attunements though, having every instance on heroic on farm and being exalted with every single one of em FTL. :(
they havent been in school for 2 weeks.
gayzor dont play wow its a rL killer
wtf .. link?
ofc the setbonus of the t3 or t2 is nice but just wait a month or two and there will be better stuff :)
and the first few heroic instace's are not THAT hard pls
Nice seeing the same person outbidding himself all the time.
better buy your gf a vacation instead of wasting money on some pixels
God have mercy on them. :<
I became lvl 70 within the week BC came out, what does that say about me?
ger only :-(
und im endeffekt wollte keiner was dafür bezahlen xD sau geil