
Any kind soul that would sponsor me and my cheating crew with ts3 server. Obviously i would like to have admins so i could kick random mercs away :). Im after own server maybe 10 slotted or so but channel will do fine if there is no free servers.
PS: Vent will be our last choice
Pm me here since I wont be online on irc before monday that much.

Since its just voiceserver do not expect us to wear ur tags or anything but if ure willing to sponsor us with server then obviously ull have more powah to decide

image: 2h67zap
image: selfns
chick is pretty ugly
da s vooral nie gefotoshopt :DDD

Check die buik allé :d : Een breed bekken maar wel een anorexia borstkas :D
allé jong :D

ma alles onder die navel is perfect

laat mij gwn :'(

gade nu toch lan,?
keb nie eens een team wa zou k daar gaan doen ^.^

+ da zou mijn mooi onlineonlycheaterimago verkloten :DD
Klopt :D

peuner :=D
you can easily host a voice server at home if you have a decent connection and it's not hard to gather 2.50 euro/month for a 10 slot voice server (mumble is even half the price @ ycn).

oooooh wait you spend all ur money on hacks, no money left for a voice server
ye poor me oh wait pallobot wont cost me a dime
loled at that chick :D
that hips compared to!
she looks deformed indeed ^^
chick is pretty ugly
We can offer you a channel, pm me in CF if you still need. Way enough slots and only me + a random LotRO guild on there - nobody will disturb you. ;)
as i understand this guy is banned now cause he is hacker and hacker salesman :o
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