Looking for Low-/Low team

Making this thread for my mate NetherlandsSpero who wants to prac hard and go pro :D

He is looking for a low-/low team without too high expectations to have some fun with the people there.

> Languages: Netherlands United Kingdom
> Age: 17
> Skill: Low/Low-
> Class: Any, not too good with rifle but willing to learn

Contact: Xfire - DJiJul
Crossfire - Spero

> Skill: Low/Low-
> Languages: Netherlands / United Kingdom
> Age: Any, as long as there's no heliumvoices
> Activity: Not too important as long as you play with him 2/3 times a week
> Leagues: You don't have to play any atm, just play wars :)

He's a really really funny, friendly guy and I hope some of you out there who happen to be on the same skill level as him will take him and play.

Contact him with the info "About him" or me here or on xfire: "fagg0t"

image: Justin+Bieber++1

image: 389
nice chick =D
low- ;D:D:d;d;:D:D:D::D
You were instantly med+ when you started ET, right? ;)
Because HE doesn't have the money for the paleHook
seek and destroyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I added him
Justin Bieber will always love you
YEA! I go play with him now u want to play too? 3o3/?
Sry, busy :) Started fapping an hour ago, don't want to start all over again!
arent u that noob german who whines at team mates and ego quits offis?
No, in fact I only played you once, but yeah, I whined about my retarded teammate's ego. I don't play with this Hizako guy anymore :< Never egoquit an offi though.
:)) u shouldnt play with none of them, stupid nerds both of them :D im sure ur a nice guy!
Thanks, and yeah, I don't play with them anymore ;)
good decsion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GL appelflap
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