
i play css, and Enemy territory I tested a software powerstrip for the gama in game, is authorized with enemy territory ?
it's not detectable, but it's an extern prgrm and it changes the look of the game, so it's forbidden...
haxx ban

(i think it isn't)
u must install rivatuner first
All programs or files, be they changed game files or new files, that change or edit the game or add to its functionality, or that interact with the game in any way, are strictly forbidden. The use of any forbidden program or file by any clan member during a cup match will lead to the exclusion of the clan from the Cup. The use of such program or file outside the cup may lead to the same sanction.
its like putting more gamma @ ur monitor, its allowed. it doesnt change gamefiles.
not hax, it's like adjusting gamma @ monitor or graphic card drivers, which afaik aren't hax
all rivatuner does is change gfx card driver settings....
not allowed in css either
thx for reply
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