Radeon prob

Hi there my mate has some probs with his radeon, dunno which radeon it is exactly, but I know u can handle this : D

He said that other driver couldn't solve this problem, but the only thing I reccomended him, was to use other driver. Any ideas?
looks fine to me.
looks fine 4 polak.! Its goldrush bug, change map.
I've read people getting problems with newest drivers, and that most certainly is a driver probs!
newer versions of opengl is causing problems with quake 3 engine based games.
lastest version that is working properly is catalyst 10.4. Or put the older opengl in the game folder to fix the problem.

Tho i am not sure if this is a driver problem.
thats like r_drawworld 0 and r_shownormals 1 combined
widze ze ci korniki wpierdalaja te drewniane pc
I installed Catalyst 10.1 10.2 10.3 and problem repeat. Everything I have installed again but game looks like screen which Marb send.
Faulty card, get new one

I recommend getting 4870, wich is not the best you can get, but most certainly will make you very happy.

I installed etbot and problem out
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