How to stable my fps

Hay people ,

i have problems with my fps it goes from stable 76 to 26-30 sometimes its verry anoying
force fps does not help

System manufacturer
Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2220 @ 2.40GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.4GHz
2046MB RAM
Hard Drive:
280 GB Total
Video Card:
NVIDIA GeForce 9400GS
Algemeen PnP-beeldscherm
Sound Card:
Luidsprekers (VIA High Definition Audio)

Operating System:
Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6002) Service Pack 2 (6002.vistasp2_gdr.100218-0019)

greetings gosu
If you have loads of process going in the background its expected. and maybe you are using high detail cfg?

try r_picmip 3 in the console...

Picmip shouldn't make a difference for GPU's made after 2000 tbh :P
true. but most likely he have a lot of stuff going around in the background. his graphic card isn't bad it have 512mb RAM so it can't be able to lag ;)
I can run ET stable FPS with an integrated card that uses shared RAM of 64mb....

I highly doubt his video memory gets filled up by ET and even less by background since at full screen there is no background...

His system memory is 2gb and should suffice under any circumstance
I have the same problem :| rly good PC and not stable fps in some place.
Don't play on PB servers.

Disable Optimize Threading at Nvidia Control Panel (at 3D settings) and try setting ET.exe to both cpus or something
Video Card:
NVIDIA GeForce 9400GS
buy 8600/9600 or 8800/9800
ur 9400gs is shieeeeeet
make sure your max fps is the same as your screen refresh rate, wich will most likely be 60hz (meaning, use 60fps max). This will give you the most stable / smooth gameplay.

Then upgrade to windows 7 (If you don't like paying, ffs just torrent) which is much better than vista...

Also start using ATi, ATI ftw :D
Maybe pull out that 9400gs shit thing and burn it, and buy a 5870 from sapphire <3

Lowering texture (picmip) settings won't help as much.. textures are used in oGL to render stuff faster / more efficient, as without you would have to do a lot of work for stuff to look great. For instance if you want to create those rings around the barrels, and want them to look 3D, you could also just render a texture to make it look like it.. so the actual 3D world does not have to be rendered... making it a lot faster. Those textures are created when the map is loading, so you really won't notice anything while playing.

The only thing lowering texture settings is going to change is make ET use less VRAM, but ET isn't really what you would say high quality.. :P ( stuff that was meant to be round but looks squared ^^ )

If you can't reach 60fps, try using lower resolution, rendering in less pixels always helps, playing with low fps will make your gameplay suck.

try one of the preset resolutions from ET, or make one your self if you have a widescreen by setting r_mode to -1 (custom) and with r_customheight and r_customwidth.

then again.. if you can't play ET with some normal fps you should seriously consider getting a better gpu..
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