Smokey looking for 2nd/3rd playa

Well as the topic says i am looking for 2 other players to play some 3v3 with. This means 3v3 cups/laddermatches.

- Decent skilled.
- Prefer peeps i know
- Decent english speaking (prefer dutch/belgium peeps)
- Some experience at playing 3v3
- No whiners xD
- No Hackzors
- Avi in afternoons/start of the evening.

- Decent skill
- Some experience at playing 3v3
- Whiner!!!:P
- Motivated

So are you intrested in playing some games. Just gimme a pm here.
Member For: 4 years, 2 months and 4 days
gl :D
been inactive for a while xD :)
get Thugster back!
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