#wires need one more (or two)

As a recently made clan, we`r looking for one player (smg medic) to pracc & pwn the internets

lineup so far:
Polandklejf (c)

United KingdomSmurftang

we possibly could use another backup player as well

we plan to play actively, most of us work and dont have too much to do at evenings, that means 4-5 times per week, 20-23 cet games, maybe rarer if there`s a need to do that.

we require from you to speak fluent english and be skilled, no ex-cheaters allowed

random chuck norris pic:
image: demotivational-posters-just-say-yes

apply at mirc or here, doesnt matter
serious offers only, people who i know already are appreciated
GL looks good klejf!
come and get it then!
aparently im joining a team called wires. cool
take United Kingdom FumBle
take Finland Froxe
take United Kingdomvzcous aka FumBle as smg medic.
and take me as backup-boy !
who da fak are diz gayz ???
we are the ones who steal danl from your irc channel!
well it was about damn time. you can keep him. we dont need that "oh look at me i am so pro and i am the best" gay tard
no no no !
ur english is terrible.
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