

I'm looking for a team to participate in the upcoming online and offline tournaments. Would prefer to join a team that already exists and has played together for a while. How ever if you're planning to put up a new team and already have some great players included I could be interested in that aswell. In any case the team needs to be good enough to make the top8 (playoffs) as minimium in major tournaments

I'll be unavailable to play for a week or two at the end of this month as I'm moving to a new appartment in another city to start my studies there. Apart from that I should be able to practice actively, specially if there's a LAN event coming up to boost my motivation

I've played pretty much all the classes as my main class on different teams at the top level so I don't really mind which class you want me to play. Last few years I've played mostly smg engineer, but I see myself more suitable for the role of supportive medic or rifle

You can find me from IRC as twidi or leave me a message here
Nice post, gl !
office! office! gl
wb m8 :D
gl twidi <3 :)
better apply for two4two quick, before carlito steals your spot.
whats up with Finland Happiness ? :D
goodluck mate.. join 242
gl mate

might be interested to form a team with you if bF wont work out :P
funnies twidi... gl!
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