Rifle Help

So i got some questions:

90 fov a option?

what are the tactics/ways in some of the maps for a rifle?
Re-view matches on GamesTV.org with players like Italy XyLoS, Netherlands Ati_ or something and see what they do
that's bullshit because you can't do anything like them, you need to get your own style
well, actually you can check the "basic" rifle spots on different maps while watching them or check some trickshot positions.

but they way like you personally realize it, ( if / when / where you use trickshots, playing aggressive / defensive and so on) thats what you call "own style" :)
True ofcourse, but what the guy above me said, you can learn to basic shots/spots and some mines or something w/e, just trying to help the guy!
it always depends on yourself, 90 fov is easier for shooting but gives you a harder dmg feedback than bigger fovs, the most important thing at rifling is your creativity, trickshots and stuff is something you deffinitly not need to be able to do
und biste schließlich fündig geworden mit deiner rifle? :)
Just play & try fovs... my opinion...
120 np4me
would try 105, Night uses it so it must be pro!
100 fov ftw
xD hey ehad jew :=D
am not jew lol
am muslim :D
Ehm, Just pick something between 90 - 110 and you will do just fine, :p
thanks :D
Make yourself a fov switcher. Extremely useful for long/short distances.
Other than that, it's all about your own style.
try this :

bind MWHEELDOWN "vstr fov12"
set mk-fov1 "cg_fov 110; set fov12 vstr mk-fov2"
set mk-fov2 "cg_fov 100; set fov12 vstr mk-fov3"
set mk-fov3 "cg_fov 90; set fov12 vstr mk-fov1"
set fov12 "vstr mk-fov1"

and gl ;)
for what is this? to change fov? so a fovtoggle? whats this for? :D
u put this in ur cfg , and in game when u need to change fov u only need to wheeldown and fov switch
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