Decalog needs Players

GermanypenduluM (some thought we copied the name of the band -.- ) changed it's
name in GermanyDecalog, but is still in need of some Players

+ What we need +

- low-med skilled Players
- Rifle
- Skilled Medic (no rambo shit, we already got one)
- active
- nice guy
- Germanywould be perfect, if Europe,it's okay too
- good english pls

- What you can expect from us -

- low+/med skilled
- stable Team
- Gameserver & Voiceserver
- active
- nice guys

Italy sl4ng (Ex-Teams: fatal*erRor, div4, .FrAgZ&)
Italy SH0ES (Ex-Teams: Team-AoW - cdap - roYality)
Germany BUTZi (Ex-Teams: Team-[x]-)

Interessed? Just pm me.
oh noez :<
SH0ES + butzi are way better than low-med, best of luck anyway! :)
take slarti
Slarti and Scarzy
gl SHOES! :D
gl butzey
what an awesome teamname xd
gl butz
- What you can expect from us -

- low+/med skilled

lup atm: shoes

random dialog:

shoes: "merc avi"
random: "skill?"
shoes: "can handle med+/high without any problem, mate"

he was awesome...
I never write merc avi, when i wirte like ever ET Merc avi know me /q.
2nd the english is too good for me.
NP with the fakequote ;D
leave shoesi alone
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