
the last weeks nowi have problems with my Logitech G9 Mouse.

It seems to turn off an on randomly. I then always disconnect the usb and reconnect then it works for maybe 4 min and it turns off again.

Pls help me whats wrong?
clean your usb port, and your room son!
My room is clean :/
You need to cut the cable with a pair of scissors, and reply back after you did it.
You need to cut the cable with a pair of scissors, and reply back after you did it.
Dude I'm serious, I had the same problem with my g9 before I stept over to Razer.

Step 1. Cut the cable (Close to the USB, NOT CLOSE TO THE MOUSE!)
Step 2. Buy or if you have any use electic resistant tape or something. (any other tape is fine, it just sounds professional.)
Step 3. Enjoy gaming without any problems.
Dude I'm not serious, I had the same problem with my g9 before I stept over to Razer.

Step 1. Cut the cable (Close to the USB, NOT CLOSE TO THE MOUSE!)
Step 2. Buy or if you have any use electic resistant tape or something. (any other tape is fine, it just sounds professional.)
Step 3. Enjoy gaming without any problems.
"Aids is a hell of a disease"
"Squirrl Aids is a hell of a disease"
*Squirrel + *aids
Squirrl Aids

image: tumblr_kxutk12sKW1qa3nk1o1_400
Have I told you about the man that came by last week? I guess not, so let me begin. Last week a man came by and said he had some retarded dog with 1 leg named Frank, what I didn't know was that he stood underneath a big tree. After he finished begging for a blowjob I said to him ask my mum. Few minutes later my mum was giving him a blowjob and he said; I've got squirrel aids. My mum swallowed his cum, and said; I'm sorry I didn't catch that last part. My dad came home and I said, MUM HAS GOT SQUIRREL AIDS, catch my drift?
QuoteHave I told you about the man that came by last week? I guess not, so let me begin. Last week a man came by and said he had some retarded dog with 1 leg named Frank, what I didn't know was that he stood underneath a big tree. After he finished begging for a blowjob I said to him ask my mum. Few minutes later my mum was giving him a blowjob and he said; I've got squirrel aids. My mum swallowed his cum, and said; I'm sorry I didn't catch that last part. My dad came home and I said, MUM HAS GOT SQUIRREL AIDS, catch my drift?

u mean Switzerland i'm a tree?
I had a similar problem with my old g9. I was wondering what was happening until I checked the cable, and I saw it had little scratches in differents places, then I damned the bad quality of g9 cable mouses. I sent it back to the shop explaining the problem and they just sent me another new. Obviously I had my new mouse since 8 months all covered with insulating tape, in the most weaks points.

Check out ur cable m8 ;)

ye the outter cable is broken but the inner cable is a lil scratched what shall i do? use tape xD
so its the same prob I had.

uhm you can sent it back to the place where you bought it... tell'em ur prob and maybe they r gonna send u a new one :)

and yes ofc if they do that pls use tape or will have the same prob again... this ****** g9 cable sucks
i had that with my old Habu mouse, i bought it off ebay though :D
my habu has it as we speak :< only every now and then though..

got any tips for a new mouse that is like it? thought I'd go for the deathadder.
hmmm, i got a Razer Diamondback - imo its got no problems, and its like £20 - like half the price of the deathadder
stop raping your mice and you won't experience this problem again
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