slac problems

Hey guys, everything was working perfectly until i reinstalled ET, then ive some wierd drop FPS even on corner map, its like its droping at some place on maps.
Does someone got that problem too?
thx nn
my mouse stucks with slac and the solutions in the slac forum doenst help! =(

shit slac is shit

Lower your mouse polling rate...

cant find a decent programm for windows vista, every shit prog is for xp/98 o_O
rate to or under 333
mh kenne mich selber net damit aus aber versuch's mal hiermit?

so wie ich das verstehe brauchst du so nen mausrate switcher, vll sowas?
ich probiere es mal aus, danke. :)

E: funktioniert leider net mit vista =(, der von der esl seite erkennt meine maus auch net ;D
also ich denke das wird schon was zu tun haben mit diesem mausrate switcher, musste nur mal googeln ob es den auch für vista gibt.

ansonsten weiss ich auch net weiter :(

E: ansonsten mal #speedlink.anticheat joinen und khaplja fragen oder in den channel posten die frage bzw. das forum mal nutzen und fragen wie genau das geht, denke dort wird dir schnell geholfen.
Why not try asking on the irc channel that's there for this kind of reason, reporting issues/trying to get help...
my skill rapidly decreased still dont know the reason.
Turn off Vsync in nvidia control panel... and make sure r_swapinterval is set to 0

In the global panel that is
i have a big skilldrop when i play with slac
slac sucks
sometimes when i start the game with slac et just dont want to start -.-
same happens me the odd time, I usually get it to work by deleting fs_game etpro form the command line tho.
worked :D thx Etnies <3
/com_hunkmegs 256
I have the same problem but deleting the command fs_game doesn't work for me.. and com_hunkmegs 256 ain't working.
Must be the keylog stealing ur data :DDDD
yeah blame slac for it whahahha
its a virus since yesterday for me so i cant run it :<
My game crashes every time after the last update from slac.
I had that problem with pb aswell
I aint even able to start it since I immediately get an error of Hunkmegs...
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