e: at least if he got a fucking clue about the q3 engine then he had to be talking about the sensitivity, because everything over 800 dpi is dumb in q3 engine games..
fact is that negative / positive acceleration both exist and depending on sensivity can be very annoying. of coruse you can adapt to the worst equipment and perform great with it..
and yes I am aware that abort 'invented' both dinput and rinput for ET
no to by odpowiedziec na twoje pytanie: wiem o zabijaniu wiecej niz wiekszosc ludzi udzielajacych sie w tym temacie, a biorac pod uwage ze uzywasz 3/11 w windowsie ty tez do ich nalezysz : )
choc grales w lepszych klanach i grasz ze wzgledu na to tez lepiej niz ja, to robisz to z chujowymi ustawieniami : D
e: wyliczylem sobie ze uzywasz low sensa (38.3cm), wiec mniejsze dpi z 6/11 win sens jest tym bardziej lepsze
ale widze ze oczytales sie w profesjonalnych artykulach na necie i przypiales sobie etykietke eksperta. Widzisz ja nie musze czytac o tym ze na 1800dpi jest negatywna akceleracja bo moge to sprawdzic w grze i wiem ze tak nie jest. Co do sensa w windzie tez slyszalem ze granie na czyms innym niz 6/11 to dramat ale szczerze nie dostrzeglem zadnej roznicy jak taki ustawilem ale tutaj moge sie mylic i chetnie zobacze jakies argumenty wskakzujace na to
e: lepiej pod jakim wzgledem? gralem i na 1800/3 i 450/6 i chociaz to teorytycznie taki sam sens to na tym pierwszym mysz chodzi nieco szybciej/plynniej chociaz to oczywiscie moje odczucie
with the DA u can have either 450 or 900 and tbh 450 is way to low.. I could not set my sens high enough in windows and drivers. Using win 7 with 900 DPI 500 hertz.
If I'll use 450 dpi I should use 6.6 sens..:SS 1,8k @ 1,65 is quite good..sometimes I just feel like it can be faster: D so I can switch target in shorter time;) but, hey I played Q3 5 years before ET, that's the reason;)
the learning curve with acceleration being enabled is higher; it is easier to become a good aimer with a low sensitivity without acceleration, becoming a great aimer is different though
most of the best aimers in this game use a sensitivity around 40cm for a 360 degree turn, whereas I use 22,6cm and feel very comfortable with that and am also able to perform very good ^^
40cm for 360 o0 I do less than half : (around 15-18 or something, never bothered measuring l0l.
It's all personal preference though and finding what feels best for you with whatever settings you apply!
Default in-game settings @ 2.6 sens, 500hz or something is fine for me :D
yes that's why I implied that though I am aware that many of the best use something lower, different from my sensitivity I am still using what I feel most comfortable with and due to being used to it, I am able to perform great.
urtier was using my sensitivity and dpi at one point, so was perfo..
no its not... its not warming up ur aim ... playing with LG or MG could be good as they are tracking weaponst... but RG is just aim and hit... and with IG its even worse...
Thats why i stopped playing QL - it fucked up my tracking abilities
Trying now without, its difficult hitting now but had that as well when I got this mouse / high sens (was low sens player before i got the razer deathadder)
I used acceleration because I play with pretty low sens (450dpi 1.7sens) and it's hard to turn and move with it comfortable. Also it was easier to track enemies from short range.
Sometime ago I tested 1sens and 0.1 acceleration. It seemed pretty good, with lots of practice you can be good with it. Bad things about this was I always turned too much: When I turn with 1.7sens 0 acc 180 degrees with quick mouse movement I turned over 360degrees with 0.1 acceleration, that was my main problem. Good thing in this was it was easier to track enemies from long range due the low sens. (and my high fov)
Just use what acceleration you want to but that high acceleration requires plenty of practice and is not useful, if you use high or mid sens and/or have large mousepad.
I used to play instagib in quake3(rail only-1 shoot-1 kill when do u need be really fast) in 2000? and try different settings, and accel 0,01 was fucking huge:S but it was old times, ball-mouse and sens...15?
but better thing it's just to DO NOT use accel, make sensi higher
like Nonix said, just dont use accel and if u really need to use low value
imo he talked about dpi
e: at least if he got a fucking clue about the q3 engine then he had to be talking about the sensitivity, because everything over 800 dpi is dumb in q3 engine games..
>> acceleration <<
and from my own experiance - negative acc is just a myth, placebo effect... u can aim and be effective ...
and yes I am aware that abort 'invented' both dinput and rinput for ET
choc grales w lepszych klanach i grasz ze wzgledu na to tez lepiej niz ja, to robisz to z chujowymi ustawieniami : D
e: wyliczylem sobie ze uzywasz low sensa (38.3cm), wiec mniejsze dpi z 6/11 win sens jest tym bardziej lepsze
e: lepiej pod jakim wzgledem? gralem i na 1800/3 i 450/6 i chociaz to teorytycznie taki sam sens to na tym pierwszym mysz chodzi nieco szybciej/plynniej chociaz to oczywiscie moje odczucie
ten obrazek powinien wszystko tobie wyjasnic
zjawisko na zdjeciu to tzw. jitter
tu jeszcze jedno zjdecie: http://img138.imageshack.us/i/mousepropertiesdemoad0.jpg/
drugi u mnie jest prawidlowo
the 900 dpi of da is an exception
XENji told me the same thing
most of the best aimers in this game use a sensitivity around 40cm for a 360 degree turn, whereas I use 22,6cm and feel very comfortable with that and am also able to perform very good ^^
It's all personal preference though and finding what feels best for you with whatever settings you apply!
Default in-game settings @ 2.6 sens, 500hz or something is fine for me :D
urtier was using my sensitivity and dpi at one point, so was perfo..
Use the same sens in ET and QL. It's good to play some Instagib(QL) before ET match :D
Thats why i stopped playing QL - it fucked up my tracking abilities
Sometime ago I tested 1sens and 0.1 acceleration. It seemed pretty good, with lots of practice you can be good with it. Bad things about this was I always turned too much: When I turn with 1.7sens 0 acc 180 degrees with quick mouse movement I turned over 360degrees with 0.1 acceleration, that was my main problem. Good thing in this was it was easier to track enemies from long range due the low sens. (and my high fov)
Just use what acceleration you want to but that high acceleration requires plenty of practice and is not useful, if you use high or mid sens and/or have large mousepad.
but better thing it's just to DO NOT use accel, make sensi higher
like Nonix said, just dont use accel and if u really need to use low value