resolution problems

I have a problem with my new laptop (Asu Asus A72jk-Nl 17,3)(1600x900) if I start et I get 2 black sidebars ( about 5cm) Ive tryed to change the R_mode's but it whont realy help , a bit sometimes.
Ive also tryed this :

seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_customaspect "1"
seta r_customwidth "1600"
seta r_customheight "900"

I hope you can help me !

bit more clear please XD
what is the nativ resolution of ur monitor? :o
turn resolution to true resolution,
laptops usually cant handle more than 1360x768
r_fullscreen 1
seems as you have also windows7? i had the same problem and i've fixed it in the autoexec.cfg ofc with the customwidth - and hight + r_mode settings but i've forget how.
so after i have reinstalled et i have the same problem haha :D

but maybe this will help you a bit:

seta r_mode "0" 320x240
seta r_mode "1" 400x300
seta r_mode "2" 512x386
seta r_mode "3" 640x480
seta r_mode "4" 800x600
seta r_mode "5" 1024x768
seta r_mode "6" 1152x864
seta r_mode "7" 1280x1024
seta r_mode "8" 1600x1200

let me know if you've found a solution :P
check my comment for the fix ;-)
Had the problem today too after I did a fresh et install on my notebook:

here are my settings which fix the problem:

/// Notebook Resolution Settings
seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_customaspect "1"
seta r_customheight "768"
seta r_customwidth "1366"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
getting OpenGL error while using r_mode -1. the only way it's working for me is with r_mode 6. with 7 i'm getting OpenGL error message as well.

but i've still this shit black bars on the side.
sprawdz kurwa jakie mozesz rozdzialki wlasciwosci jebanego pulpitu i tyle czy to az tak trudne
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