twister can has clan pleax

Hai, I'm looking for a 5v5 team.

Never played et actively, only just played 1-2 weeks during a few nationscups with team Ukraine and played some random mixes when i was bored.

Other then that im a pretty decent ql dueler and rtcw player so i can move and shoot pretty well!
I'm sure that after a few month of practise i could compete at oc-prem/ec level.

-can play any class
-speak english/german/russian
-can play a few evenings a week
-could go to lan

I'm not interested in playing with you if you dont have tactics and don't try to improve, I'd prefer joining an already excisting clan ;)

Exteams etc in my profile, you can contact me in
twisters plan to get a clan

you're so poetic!
gl naise guy
Nice guy.. although he must finish RTCW competitive history!
gl twister :D
gl mate :)
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