Movie Config needed

is there any movie config with 1024x768 resolution
and (where it shows your kills only)
pm me here plz..
and with all the non needed stuff removed
if u ask for $ then get the fuck out cuz i aint paying for this shit give it free or fuck off
if u ask for $ then get the fuck out cuz i aint paying for this shit give it free or fuck off
gratz ! topic nr 9999999 about cfg
if u ask for $ then get the fuck out cuz i aint paying for this shit give it free or fuck off
normal cfg with picmip 0 althudyoffset -100 and changed fonts ; *
you couldnt be more wrong :D popups are just random font from photoshop, but the cfg you are wayyyy wrong about, thats how it looks with no colour enhancements.
even my ingame cfg looks better
good for you m8
looks good the font is gay tho
as i said, i picked random font from photoshop :PPP
pm kamz he will give you his!
"he will give you his!"
fight me now
I like how your ftp is full of cheats
/cg_ownfragsonly 1

should work, if not get the etpro 3.2.5 version which works fine with this command, tho
all you need to do is to set r_mode 6
in my profile

you can look there...else take one of these and change r_customwidth/height
take quakymovie
pm me
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