In da need of a clan.

Looking for a team to play with in an upcoming OC.
I prefer 5on5.... have played medic and fops... can play smg engi too if needed.
I prefer ppl who i know.. or at least some.

If you dont know me, i bet i aint gonna know you either.

IF Facebook existed years ago.

image: 45413_1480983678975_1665303095_1149487_4817228_n
gl krone!
I prefer ppl who i know..

so wth for you post it on cf.. ask the ppl who you know ..

well... knowing ppl by nick or better (yeah there are lots of ppl). they can inform if they are in need of a player.
like it would be smart sailing through the Quakenet and look for the clans who needs players.

nice try by you. but fail.
no i win anyway
no you fail
gl krone :)
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