mana (3rd & last post)

Looking for oc clan. Don't care about skill nor division, just wanna play.
skill low, and i really mean low but these days it's called med i've noticed.

class medic/engi (can paly some rfl if necessary)
lang: Finland & England

Played couple of years before inactivity mid '08 until 2010 autumn :)

Dont have a working mic atm, will get it @ wednesday so i would prefer tryouts and shits after that. Also had problems will SLAC but i try to get it up & running.

np: Pantera - Domination.

if u hack i will kill your families.

edit: no im not a nazi or racist or any other kinda skinhead ok?
hes a wnb
checked ur pocals @ ur profile, ur fucking awesome.
thx mate :)
QuoteWent drunk quite hard the first day i was sleeping in my new home, and it was amazing<3

i mean seriously, wtf man?
Pocals, serious business.
Quote(3rd & last post)

image: hell-yeah-motherfucker
fuck ye, mr.oldschool speak ":D"
start a clan with vatu
2 problems in one!
fuck yeah
made my day :D
gl mama
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