Need Europe 5on5 & why not Europe 3on3 clan too.

Imma 23yr old Finland
Played ET since 2005.
Can be a back up as well.
Can play Clanbase season or only pracs. dont mind.
Can play all SMG classes.
Skilllevel of you: from zero to hero.
Avi for new projects.

kRONE on Qnet or leave me a msg here on

image: 45132_1480983558972_1665303095_1149484_2960728_n
gl m8 =)
hahahah nice =)
lambs in need #sydamenasialla
gl krowner :), if i remember right he was a nice calm guy with really good aim.
gl lagtrash :)
gl kROONE :)
good luck honey!
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