Bl1tz action on radar

ESL account -
PBguid - 782b49af

And here is the avi made by jenzor:

Imo obvious wallhacking. avi might be in some low quality (we had problems to upload it on so here is the orginal demo
U can see in the last seconds of the demo that bl1tz is shooting in the wall LOL (on r_shownormals 1 we can see that the allies player was behind the wall in that moment ;-)
Secondly he shoot to guy that is behind the tree xDDD
still unbelievably retarded with hacks
dont watch the avi its so misleading srsly...worst quali ever
watch the demo and u can clearly hear and see the guy behind the tree
and the one in the bunker is clearly climbing the ladder so fail bust is fail :D
ok he is climbing the ladder so why he shoots at him when he is standing behind the wall. UPS Another roni action? hahaha wh is wh and EOT

And wodka plz dont make flame just because u played in that match ;)
i just flame cuz ure some random low- polaks crying like hell when losing when u obviously are shit with cheats
is today united retards day ?
united poltards day :(
nothing special
Thx wiaderko
Uhm, not that I care but, ever heard of comms?
Never heard of these random North American guys.. seems like there a few that always get busted then some new random guy comes around 1 week later. Always happens. But if this game was played with SLAC Killerboy said no North Americans were busted yet so yeah.
No SLAC cause ESL do not force it yet.
ty bb busted
:D:D:D i luv et :D:D:D
your teammates wrote that they dont use SLAC in chat before match :P so STFU u are whinning here the most
well... maus's brother played on bl1tz PC... sad story
i aint defending him at all, cuz it aint my buisness 2

but this second attempt at fail bust, there is no way u can no weather he is hacking from the 2 demos u posted

at that point in the match they were constantly camping at up, only fuckin retards wudnt aim and shoot up there

good luck next time, ive got an idea why dnt u go back 2 deli which is a corridor map and post the whole thing from when u cap flag and then we can all see for sure weather he is wh or not

not hard tbh
nothing special
stupid troll!!! :D
Dobranoc ;)
lol did u ever heard of something like VS/TS and info from your teammates;D?

and tbh radar isnt good map to bust for wh try again with deli, but don't fail or maybe u'll find other actions
oh stop its nothing obv 8DDDDDDDD
decision has not been taken to ban him or not

america or canada that's doesn't matter is this the same fuckin nigga shit fat moron with short penis
but u sound like a fat gay

worst et players... hahaha

you should go to the circus and make people laugh with monkeys

ugly fat and random americano bitches from macdonald
blitz ban
06/09/10 - 06/10/10 New Penalty Points Level - cheating

ejore ban
06/09/10 - 13/09/10 New Penalty Points Level - no demos

your ban
06/09/10 - 27/09/10 insulting

now go cry on to other esl admin u nigga fat bitch

QuoteI would like to speak to another ESL ET admin.

I'm pretty sure Fomea didn't ban us cause he thought we cheated. He banned us cause we talked shit back to him and hurt his internet feelings. what a gay admin.
QuoteThe following penalties have been applied:
bl1tz -> banned for 2 years for cheating in official match.
Eeyore -> 6 penalty points for missing demos while being accused of cheating.
decimate -> 3 penalty points and 3 weeks barrage for repeated and aggresive offenses against ESL admins.

here is clearly written
do you understand english? wtf is he suppose to write? banned 2 years cause he hurt my feelings?
bl1tz -> banned for 2 years for cheating in official match.

thx bb noob
friend of wodka...same cheater's clan
"try again next time"
I dont have to anymore ;D

"Cus YOU LOST " can You please show me any link that I lost?

its cancelled :P
You are really retarded, its so sad.
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