Deathless in need

Deathless are searching for players to compete in OC premier and #evucup as well as any other cups/leagues.

We are looking for two players: An aggresive medic & an engi smg

- You have to be OC premier skilled
- Speak english
- Have active comms

Being somewhat known would be a good plus!

United KingdomHavoc
United KingdomKipzz
United Kingdomkoop
Eng smg


We are trying out players today so if I respond back to you, you are considered for tryout if not, then goodluck on your search for a team

If you are interested pm here or query Havoc or Hydro in

Randoms will be ignored
i dont have oc premier skill exp, u mad?
Lol stop with this random shit, like you're known haha.
gl kipzz & hav0c :)
Is Servant inactive?
no playin with codelust
your demanding oc premier haha all of you are lows, im high watch me as i own highskillers cuz im known
Nice team, funny & mature guys :)

I hope you find the players you deserve!

e: "Randoms ignored" is a tad harsh imo :\
I hope you get a prostate cancer and wither away slowly, suffering for as long as possible.

I go revise now, bb <3
gl guys <3
nice team, gl
British arrogance -level is quite high in here

image: 200px-Vegeta_Scouter_Suprised
what has vegeta to do with a high level of arrogance
He has scouter which he can use for monitoring levels of different things
That scouter can be used for everything, too bad he scrapped it with his bare fist :(
true, he should have used it for self-defense against GM rats
It's over nine thousand!
OC prem :'))))))

Ask suiy :P
hes a fucking cheater
NetherlandsKri/PmbB, both classes suit him! Eventho he aint has OC Prem exp, he sure has the skill!
good luck guys :)

u are too good in supply :(
slaj <3333
Gl havoc & koop.
You seem to have a rivalry with artstar (the capital a guy)

so good luck new friends !
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