ET screensize problem?

I've got 1280x1024 set on my desktop. If I set a higher one in my config, for example 1920x1080 (irrelevant why I do it), part of the screen in the game comes out. Typically, the upper or left of the screen, then you can not see the top / left side of the menu in the game, console, etc.. Sometimes, however, the picture is stretched and fits the screen, the game elements are visible. Anybody know exactly why this happens? Without changing the settings in the drivers, refresh rate and so on. It sometimes works, sometimes not.

image: Girls_Models_Models_I_Irina_Sheik_nude_girl_018725_
just use your desktop resolution
"no" or "read again"
Raiventardm8, hello.
cu@hristo's house, you are gay ;p
this chick not helped. you faild.
Widze ,ze poznales hot 16 :< : D
16? nie ona ma 18.
Adriana Lima <3
refresh rate

rofl ?
Wuts the native monitor resolution
crt, no native reso
so you need a 4:3 resolution and 1920x1080 isn't one
try r_mode 3,4 and 6
"If I set a higher one in my config, for example 1920x1080 (irrelevant why I do it)"
And I do it for some reason. Im searching for answer why this happens if I dont change anything. One time I dont see upper part of screen, another one left and another one is good.
that's not a chick, she is THE BOMB
Set your desktop resolution to native
crt, no native reso
i know u said without changing the refresh rate but its more than likely that as a crt cannot always have the same refresh rate for every resolution
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