Reso needs :)

I already received few interesting offers but I rather make sure there aren't any better around.

As it seems that I'm gettin back to shape after my summer break and when there's only one year left before I'll be recruited to the army, I'm looking for a team to pick me up and play the upcoming Opencup

- I'm experienced, 'skilled' and can handle well against any skill (just to clear some doubts, I'm using SLAC now.)
- I'm mainly playing as an engi, but I can also play as a medic.
- I will to play in the Premier League in the next upcoming Opencup, esl shit would be nice as well.

For further information, you can check my profile or contact me here or on irc. (message Reso)

Thank you very much, and see you soon (:
(e. thanks to sl1ent for his post's form :])

Seemed to fail with creating somekind of retarded combo
GL superjew <333
goodluck ori :) cu on the battlefield.. perhaps ^^
Imo, you're a wallhacker with a bad aim, but hey, thats just my oppinion!
Imo, you don't know how to lose with high ego, but hey, thats just my oppinion!
well thats the bad aim part, i never did lost against you ;D you're just an obvious, bad player! but hey, thats just my oppinion!
I dislike your opinions :(
good luck jewish boy :)
gl :>
(aval ata adain lo okef oti bdmg!)
gl my best jews friend :D
gl m8

QuoteImo, you're a wallhacker with a bad aim, but hey, thats just not my oppinion!
hes the jewish hitler, killing whats left...
dont take him, hes an complete idiot
Jewish hitler :DDDDDDDD

no gl backstab FU
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