Riggs on the look

Hey Anonymous crossfire users,

After one player left Europe logic <?/ I am looking for a 5on5 clan to play for the upcoming opencup ...


- 22 years old
- Mature
- Active, Avi sunday to thursday 21.00->00.00
- Med/+
- FOPS/ Medic
- Ex clans : Logic / FAMAs
- LANable (played with France FAMAs at CiC7 : semi final @ consolation brackets)
- Speak France & United Kingdom


- Active (pracs & offis)
- Around med+ (OC div1/div2 max)
- Mature/Stable
- No cheaters/busted
- Intend to play next lans

You can find me in #famas.et or pm me here on CF

random chick
GL à toi mon poulet

Take him, really nice guy IG/IRL too ! :)
GL Riggs :)
nice ass =DDD

bonne chance riggs :)!
Gl riggs
gl riggs :))
gp pm fif.red
i asked to Tomoyo, but FiF.red is full actually :<
kk :'(
GL :)
GL riggs :D
GL coupain.
He made rifle not explode ! Take him !
Thx guys ^^
really nice player and really nice random chick !!! comme je lui défonce son cul a celle la pfouuuuuu
Skilled and naïce player, GL ! x)
Gl skilled player & actif take him!
GL Riggs ! <3
GL riggs, good player :)
gl riggs!
GL mec !

deserves a nice clan
Nice player GL!
nice arse
gl riggs! <3
#epic.et riggsounette :)
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