
I'm looking for a 5v5 team for the upcoming EC . Might be interested in a backup spot also.

- smg engi / medic
- active
- played 2x EC qualis and last EC/EMS with Finland Finspastic5
- ex-teams in my profile

- stable lineup
- active
- confident for getting EC quali

pm me here or vokki @ #tA.et
goodluck vokki ;)
best player around! :)

gl mate:)
great guy, gl!
You can be a new squad leader of raab, im sure plenty of quality players would love a chance to get playing for a famous finnish top clan.
tbh he could be the ingameleader as well =) he has exp on that too
gl vokkkkki ! :)
gl owner
gl vokki :)
gl vokki :)
gl vokki :)
gl vokkisiek<3
check IRC
gl vokki :)
gl vokki :)
Goodluck skilled player
gogo vokki
where is the random pic, gtfo
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