next crossfire lan?

It's been a while, anything on cc8? I miss watching ET LAN's.

AEF doesn't count because there's no Tosspot commentary :(
december or smth :P
theres upcoming lans in croatia and denmark
Do you know what they are called (so i can google!)? ^^
denmar lan was called a "scam"
croatia lan was called "not gonna happen"
nah, that was called "scam" just as you said :)
so, two lans, where u dont brig pc's, hawe a prize, will not gonna happen :'D

cya 2k11 like gifted(lower then me:D) said :D
possibly going to be in London

not sure though, I guess TosspoT should do an announcement on the progress of cc8 so we all know approximately whats happening
cc8 in London ? :O
that what toss said, tho ther wer jokes about it being on a stadium 2 :D
I remember hearing it from somewhere, that he was looking at venues in London, could all be rumours though
Toss said he was lookin at venues in london (At least the UK) on the train back from cc7 i remember that :D
ah, i didnt think it was that long ago :p
He also mentioned it in one of the coloums a month ago
dunno, but wherever it is I'm looking forward to it =D
Try and get Toss to organise a Quake Tourney for it ;)
hopefully not london...
cc8 in london
Hopefully in Scandinavia.
Mis sul sellest?
Mis sul sellest?
Kui ma enda kommentaari sinu vaatevinklist vaataks, siis ma tõesti ei tea, mida ma sealt välja loeks.
Aga nii enda, kui ka teiste arust minu kommentaar väljendab seda, et loodetavasti toimub LAN skandinaavia riikides, sest siis on LANile lühem maa minna. (saidki puust ja punaseks selgeks, mine lippa nüüd kooli ja ole kuss :) )
Jah, aga mis sul sellest kus see toimub? On ta siis kodu ukse taga või teisel pool maakera...
Quoteminu kommentaar väljendab seda, et loodetavasti toimub LAN skandinaavia riikides, sest siis on LANile lühem maa minna.

Ikka ei jõua kohale?

Viljandis sai juba korra LANil käidud. Põhjus, miks välismaa lännidele ei jõua, oleks rahapuudus, lennukiga sinna + veel need kallid entrance fee'd. Mida lähemal see LAN toimuks, (Soome, Rootsi, isegi Norra) seda odavam oleks end kohale vedada.
Ma loodan, et sa said vastuse oma agressiivsetele, iroonilistele kommentaaridele :)
hope its not in london ( hard to travel for me )

well last time he announced it 3 months ago....

if he dosent make a newspost in the next 1-2 weeks then i guess it will be in january or february ....
let's make lan in poland ! =D , i want see mAus ugly face ;F
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