Question about the game

is it better to play wolfenstein on windows or Linux and whats the difference on playing on each my friend has it on Linux and he says its better im not sure
on linux cheating is easier
yea but he said that the hitboxes are better and it runs smoother but i dont know if hes bull shitting or if there no difference to the game but easier to cheat
when ur friend is hacking then it's easier but u can play on windows realy easy as well
yea i know he hacks i didnt know if what he said was true about the game running smoother and hitboxes are better frankly i sticking with windows 7 but i jw i never really looked into linux before
heard linux gives higher fps
I heard that fps is limited to 125.
yes they are fixed to a maximum of 125
i cant get 125 on windows
That's because you are running windows with your calculator, buy a computer instead.
his pc's more then enough to handle stable 125 fps, just not with todays pb :D
no you

and I had a 4200+ and got stable 125 everywhere, also on my 3000+ @ 2.4ghz

Et just isn't really stable on some hardware configs. I actually get less fps with this PC then I did with those 2 systems ":D"
my video card is the worst i can imagine tbh,
tbh i can get 125 fps (w/o pb), but not stable, especially on maps like grush
Card isn't your problem, the processor is.
Do you have the amd dual core optimizer installed?

chipset drivers?

image: trollface
i have no idea of computer's, i know how to boot and thats pretty much it

processor driver first then dual core optimizer, maybe it's already installed tho, but reinstall anyways
thanks, ill see if they become stable now
depeds on chipset
ETBot is gut.
I used to play ET with Linux for 6months and it really runs smoother(much more enjoyable to play) and gave me 1,5 times better fps compared to windows. Only problems were setting up sounds... pain to get ET + TS work together :(
Um Deus! Really if you have "avarange" computer you will get 125fps.
Question is more like have you ever used Linux? Because its not Windows and Installing it and getting used to it is a long process.

I dont care what Linux people say "its easy" etc. No its not. Compering to Windows, Linux is hard to install and hard to get everything working.

So if you want to spend few days installing stuff and noticing that some programs does not work on Linux then do it. Then again if you want to just plug and play do stay with Windows.
i just lost ;---(
Depends on the person, since PB shit isn't around I personally won't be playing ET on Linux anymore, I had odd mouse issues under Linux
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