ET movie making error

Hi friends & family.

In the process of making a movie, but every time I watch a demo played on radar, my game crashes and ET closes, any ideas how to fix?

Thnx in advance

image: rachelburr
Nice blonde
But im sorry i dont know soluton for your problem : <
ssssssssssssnake ssssssssssssnake
ag0n's config right?

you have to change 1 cvar from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1

pm ag0n for it cuz i forgot
i think it starts with r_
Hallo midas wie gehts?
You need to write the following command in ET before starting a demo.

r_nocull "0"

Good luck :)
This CVAR should fix the crash.
Champion cheerz mate ;)
sry for abusing your journal, but who won that tournament for an EC quali?
nice buddylist m8.
r_nocull 0

it's not needed for every map but for radar it's a must be
The solution is easy,
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