Looking to create a league or cup


I am looking for a few people that might be interested in Creating a League / Cup.
This is not going to be like a 1 or 2 day thing.
I'm talking about multiple seasons....

I have a few prizes to offer.
  • ET Server
  • Vent Server
  • Web Hosting

So, if anyone is interested in a project. pm me :D

we have more cups and leagues that needed, if you want to help join ESL or CB and do something useful.
Leages, there are two...
How is that to many.

and these cups are for a certain amount of time...
so stfu and go troll some polak,

you want to be an ignorant fagget, ill diss the shit out of you for everyone to see.
I think someone from the USA is not in position to call anyone ignorant.

Apart from that, yes there are 2 leagues which are not really in their best moment, and adding another one to fuck this 2 even more superb idea!

I don't care for what amount of time your lame cups are, there are 20000 cups already so if you want to help do it properly instead of adding events to a game lacking of teams and time to play all tournaments.

Now get mad, go and bomb Iraq again rat.
Why are you comparing leagues with cups?
QuoteI think someone from the USA is not in position to call anyone ignorant.
yeah, let everyone see how low your IQ is :DDD

He is right, you are a retard so stfu.
you mad cause you got rolled yesterday mate?
deal with it
and you are? :DDD
Ale jong da is wel DE vivi he! ':D'
and im from the mix team that made you cry yesterday.
brb laughing.
22 minutes and that's what you reply with?
lol your older then me,
and you still a little bitch.

I was taking a shower if you are so interested in my personal life.
Actually I did read it, just so much nonsense I cant reply you seriously.

And btw sir im spanish not polish and If you had a minimum knowledge you will know the quality of life we have here not to have to cross your borders or go to the USA at all.
But you probably dont have a clue about my country and like your ex-president will tell me we are part of Mexico.

I repeat you again and for the last time that there are many cups and 2 leagues which is more than enough.

And now Im going with my girlfriend if thats ok for you? when I come back ill tell you what we have done and what ill do tonight ok?

and what has beating me in a game got to do with this discussion?
Seems like you don't know when to stop do you?
you failed hard boy, so hard.
about what?
I agree about that aswell.
Leagues is a different story however.
I like the idea of beginning low and going up the ladder with your team.
I know this isn't possible for big competitions like ESL/CB but for leagues it should be more then do-able.
about everything - also the bombs at Iraq or Serbia or Vietnam or another 100 countrys the most peacefull country of the world attack in the last years

now go and bomb Iran for building atombombs like the Iraq did before - there are so many proofs for this
First of all, read my reply to Killerboy.

Next, why the fuck are you talking about bombs? This is a topic about a game, stick to it.
fist of all isnt it allowed to reply to you ?
you did to killeroy and i did to you
you asked where he is right and i anwsered
killerboy told u the cups thing he was/is right in and i about the behavour of americans

have a nice d-day there is no offence in my anwser
dude, just stfu...

You know nothing.
so stfu and gtfo.
yeah i am tvelve years old and i study music
lol. you must be TWELVE
cus you cant even spell the number 12.
so spell me 12 in polish my homelanguage u fuckhead
yeah, since im a fuckhead, why can i spell twelve in polish, But you cant spell it in english?
I think you are the fuckhead kiddy.
i have no need to spell it in english - or maybe ur just more inteligent than me - or you just better in learning languages - maybe i just make a mistake in typing - there are many reasons why i didnt spelt it right in english - but all of them arent a reason to tell me i have to stfu and gtfo - but this way this world is going round - this is the way why americans behave like i give in examples - because we cant accept someone else is different i way of thinking than we did or we cant accept someone else is looking different - so dont judge me i know nothing just because i spelt wrong a word in english, because i never told i am an expert in english language - and to the topic i made your only argument was:

"dude, just stfu...

You know nothing.
so stfu and gtfo. "

give me proofs i am wrong when u assert i am wrong
Cus you want to talk about d-day and shit.
So i say it again. stfu

Very classy and well thought up comeback. *claps his hands*
I am in what ever position I want to be in, Let it be to call you ignorant, a spick, a nigger, a flaming cock sucking fagget or a euro trash ass piece of flaming shit.

What I care to call you is my own freedom.
No these "20000" cups you speak of, Where is a list of "20000" cups you speak of? I only really can list 10 that are active at the top of my head, and 8 out of 10 fail. miserably.
So why don't you shut the fuck up and get over yourself.

Grab a beer or smoke some weed, better yet. Get laid and shut the fuck up.
Cus no one cares wtf you have to say. You're just a little time pathetic fagget.
Yes i use the term "fagget" loosly.

You want to talk about my country "bombing" iraq, lol bitch please. We have hundreds of your "kind" hoping out borders every single day and night. Trying to get into our country, So i say this again.

Shut the fuck up you fagget.
Grab a borito and shove it up your loose asshole and maybe you can have fun fucking a taco.
steeZya just pwned you up the ass.
Looks good :)

GL !
1 week max organization
create an AoE 2 league and im gonna help u
? sorry idk what that is lol :S
age of empires
I'll pass on that, TY
nice initiative, don't care about the whiners :)
THank you, I'm getting alot of pm's with good feedback from people wishing me luck and people wanting to help :D

Still have a server up for grabs.
lets make this work.
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