eC4 needs...

A skilled backup.

Since eC4 is playing with a 6 man fix lineup, some days, 1 player is missing and they can't play. This is why they are searching for a nice and skilled backup.

You should :

- Be avaible when needed.
- Be high skilled
- Speak a decent english
- Have a nice teamplay (speak on comms, etc)
- Experienced (Played in some NC, EC/OC premier clans)

If you're able to go to CPC2, it could be a nice point

The current lineup :

- Italy diO (c)
- Italy bLiz
- Sweden slajdan
- Sweden noordis
- Austria xet
- Austria kan0wne

- Belgium fast (inactive)

If you're interested, pm me or diO in #eC4
again gl :)
"Decent english"

Made me lol seen the post, gl though, fast.
gl ösis
I do. But having some new members that speak english fluent, and 2 or 3 that really suck in it.. You know, that won't work out very well. :)
Thx Loek
gl =)
gl bLiz, dio, kan0wne <3
gL guys <3
Quote- Be high skilled

So you must be a real opponent for dignitas?! Same skill level
jup, aimfov 120!
oc div7 won't be enough
no its ok but that you play with krp in oc7 is just ridiculous, just for the award -.-
hes backup :)
ihr sucht doch n backup wos also das problem? ^^
gl xetii
"- Experienced (Played in some NC, EC/OC premier clans)

What experience does slajdan have expect being our absolutley last option when we needed a merc. thx for me.
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