leask on the look II

I got promised by a team to play OC prem but it doesnt happen so again i make a post for searching a team :-)

infos about me:
  • From Germany Germany
  • 22 Years
  • Playing rifle
  • funny guy
  • im avi 3-4 Times per week from 19:00-22:00 ( for offis longer )
  • good at comms
  • motivated
  • Last teams : Germany HIGHBOT , Germany minuS ( EC Qualifiermatch ) & Europe FATGames ( EC Qualifiermatch ) and played CDC3 and OC Prem with Europe dark & beyond and CC5 Lan with NetherlandsOVERLOAd Germany Highbot
  • Germany dark&beyond aToOn( OC Prem ) and ( CiC 7 Lan ) with Germany HIGHBOT

What i search:
  • motivated team
  • Nice Guys
  • playing activ ( 3 x per week )
  • skilled!
  • 100% OC prem

qry ScaTmaN`off or LEASK-off at #d&b or #crossfire @ Quakenet or PM @ crossfire

thx 4 GL's & haters


leask rifle Movie Trailer : http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=716 done by Poland cymky

leask rifle Movie : http://www.own3d.tv/watch/scatman-the-movie,16923.html done by Poland cymky

leask rifle Movie 2 : http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=movie&mode=item&id=1087 done by Poland cymky
Good luck! (:
last time gl :P
Denkste du bist durch nen Nickchange auf einmal wieder beliebter? Schraub deine Erwartungen runter dann spielt vllt ja jemand mit dir. :D
Halt die Fresse du Hurensohn :-)
Wer bistn du? Scheich Mohammed? Wenn du mir was zu sagen hast 35396 ist meine Postleitzahl, ansonsten hälst du besser die Fresse Bauer Fritz. :-)
Ich bin der der dir sagt das du die Fresse zuhalten hast du Hurensohn. :-)
Du kleiner Pimmel bist mal lieber leise sonst setzts ne Schelle falls ich doch mal dazu komme auf den Christopher Street Day zu gehen um deine Hackfresse zu sehen. Dein Vater trägt ne Leine weil deine Mutter Hunde liebt und jetzt Fresse Crackhure.
Halt die Fresse jetzt Hureeeeensohn. :-D
Was laberst du als von deiner Familie? Ich kann nichts dafür dass deine Mutter ne Crackhure ist.
Lies nochmal meinen Satz und dann nochmal deinen, vielleicht fällt dir ja was auf.
Ich glaub du versuchst einfach nur deine Familiensituation auf mich zu projezieren. My Comment stays. ;-)
Hast es wohl immer noch nicht verstanden schade eig :(.
Ich dachte es auch. Er ist ja eine hurenshon mit einem großem Ego, aber keine Skills.
Haha nice german skills At3Q. :P
still got it ! :D
if you would be that good and known, why would you need to list the movies/teams you were in? :D

lame poser
Indeed :-(

im sry king WonderemoRawrr.
Germany ScaTmaN = known

Zweiteres? Hm...
more like "Scatman on the look XX"
whats the sense of the nickchange?
Gerüchten zufolge hat er 2 Accounts auf CF, nämlich Scatman und leask
inb4 not this shit again.jpg
gl :( sry aber kann auch nix dafür das die CB admins uns 2nd listen!
when i look at ur profile i have to laugh u fuckin moron, so dont laugh about other pps
:D oh shut up
oh, after i looked in ur profile ur age i know why u behave like that but np apologize accepted.
U are 92? im 93? yea you are fucking mature n old, get a life/brain u fkn nazi nerd :)
if u look at the law you know thats a bigger difference than u admit. secondly the age doesnt really mean much tho u r a fuckin child.
If there is such big difference how come i cant notice on u? you are just another geek who tries hard to act though on the inet and btw are u trying to tell me as the day u turn 18 you are suddenly mature and grown up? :D the only thing that changes is the amount responsibility on you, sounds like u play to much wow or what ever "hey im 18 now, then i get +10 on my intellect"

u made my day, thanks :)
sad life u have then if this lil conversation between us through the internet made ur day so special.
what has this whole conversation to do with u attacking people because of some look u dont like.
anyway i think i was already mentally grown up with 16 what u cant say about urself. not really playing anything atm because i seriously dont like it as much as i did when i was as old as u r. i think im too old for such a shit. and now ill go to bed.
:D oh god who are you to judge me, since you dont even know me? Judging my "mental growth" over some crossfire comments are just plain retarded :)
Danke großer , aber ich denke solche "commends" sind mit mittlerweile total egal :-P

Hoffe dir gehts gut :) man sieht sich!
wazzup with hb?
decent rifle, gL
gl :) deserves prem div team.
thx if its wasnt sarcasm :-)
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