Script! Perfo I need u!

Hi everybody, I need some script for jump like perfo and most pVo that jump with crouch or something like that. Help!
Just press the right button at the right time and ... OOOOH it works.

(wnb csplayer.)
bind space "+vstr a b"
seta a "+moveup; +movedown"
seta b "-movedown; say lol im like sqzz llololol"

that should work :O)
u can't just press crouch @ midair?
perfo has to write this, only his advices work properly
set jumpset "vstr normaljump"
set normaljump "bind space +moveup; echo ^1N^7ormal ^1J^7ump;set jumpset vstr longjump"
set longjump "bind space vstr sj;echo ^1L^7ong ^1J^7ump;set jumpset vstr normaljump"
bind h "vstr jumpset"
set sj "+sprint;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;+moveup;wait;-sprint;wait;-moveup"
bind space "vstr sj"

it's sux but if u need it...
Perfo is sleeping, k :>
for jump like perfo ? don't understand :P

/q cdap|perfo @ irc no ? :$
perfo is the GOD!
omg its strafe ... use spritn + a or d and crouching when you jumping .. easy
Pro script - learn to stafe jump
i dont use a script for jumping :P if youdmake a script like this you need to press space all the time which inhibits you from pressing other keys
not true, you could script away it with multiple toggles and waits.
it fucks ur hitboxes =)
idd, the hitbox becomes like the crouch hitbox but the player model appears in full height
this freeb0y guy is a retard. He already asked me the same thing and I explained him that
1) you don't need a script to crouch in midair (as long as you bound crouch to a reachable key)
2) crouching in a jump will not increase, but decrease your speed. It may look like you are going faster, since your viewpoint is closer to the ground; but the reason many pr0s crouch when jumping is simply to reduce the size of their hitbox and be harder to hit (or avoid collision with the ceiling). Or maybe they are stupid too and they really think they are going faster.
Actually, it's so that you don't lose as much sprint bar while jumping, but nice guesses!
thats new for me
well, just releasing the sprint button has the same effect of saving stamina, but has a smaller impact on your speed (try it yourself with the speedometer :p )
It turns out you were right :p
I made some tests and it appears that pressing the crouch button has a smaller (or at least equal) impact on your midair speed than releasing the sprint button
I only do it becuase it looks good on my screen LoL

oh and because i used to fanboy razz and just copied him!
Keeps you in the air like a second longer to imo, or maybe it just feels like that?
no. it saves a bit of your stamina.
Keeps you in the uk public a second longer imo , or maybe its just 2pro4u?
hush up poor boy
hah lol irishboi :P

why poor ? :p
crouch jumps are pro stuff only
rofl lol :OOO)))

just: bind space "+moveup" bind ctrl "+movedown" dpi 800 sense 1.1 and then strafe jump
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