eX gaming repost2

Hey guys,
We, eXtreme gaming, are looking for a few people to play some cod4 matches with, new players are also welcome, we'll teach you, dont worry!

- speak Poland, don't need to be perfect, since Denmark/Polandsteelers polish is terrible
- around low/+, we'll teach you if you just started the game :)
- be cool and don't take the game too serious, mostly we're just fucking around
- don't whine too much, we got steeler already
- be clean
- be active, we're playing around 3/4 times a week
- up for a laugh in every match

- all polish
- around low+
- having a lot of fun
- active
- have TS3 channel, still need a gameserver

DenmarkSTEELER also known as brad
and our lovely cheerleader PolandGucio<3

If you want to join us, contact me on xfire(mact3p). You can also send me or bradd(but he wont be online untill tommorow, since he is here with me) a pm here on cf :-)
gl searching.

Polaks have a bad name in gaming community's :/
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