Screenshot bug?

After playing tonight's oc match i wanted to report the match score but something got me a little bit confusing and my mates aswell

image: 23jimwn

It says the time is set 6:19 what is alright but

image: f1wi0g

It says the clock is now set to 6:11 but the Radar parts are still on place...
What the shit?
nice photoshop skills
i bet u did match restart and voted time with 6.19 ...
omg they changed time!!
u got trolled by et :P
must be because of PHOTOSYNTESIS
bright fellah
what the fuck
someone reset the map and timer resetted aswell...
must be because of PHOTOSYNTESIS
must be because of PHOTOSYNTESIS
i carried
Krosan sucked, thats why !
We'll meet in the playoffs.

Oh wait you won't get there!
gonna ban us if we'll win ?
I'm not a CB admin. But I've got connections ;)
I meant on Crossfire.
Won't be necessary. You'll never win anyway.
olol well see about that lowbie
also says that axis win.. maybe thats why.. rounds were fucked ?
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