Just got a new mouse !help

Just bought a razer deathadder 3500dpi and I have no idea about which settings I should use or the best ones for ET.

If anyone owns one or knows the best settings possible for it then please let me know :D

polling rate?
-polish rate
this is the one and only answer: personal preference
i got the older deathadder.
use whatever suits you my settings are.

polling rate 500Hz,
Dpi Switcher 1800 dpi
then sensitivity is 5

ingame sens 2.0

thats how i play anyway pretty high senser, but its best using whatever settings suits you not others.
So it won't make a difference which dpi i use and what exactly is polling rate ? I used 2.0 with my old mouse but it was a really cheap thing this is the first decent mouse I have ever had and I have no idea about them :D

I just see people talking about dpi saying some are better than others for ET
im not sure what polling rate is tbh, but it really depends on what u like. nah it depends what ppl play if i send someone my settings some will be like? how do you play with such high sensitivity
I like high sense too not sure it does me much justice tho lol. I'll try your settings later. cheers m8
just test lots settings im gunna give lower sens a go in a bit but ill fail
Tried your settings m8 there almost exactly the same as what I had before but god this mouse is gonna take some getting used too lol
haha its so precise :D
450 500
iam using 500 hz 900 dpi sens 5 in et and on the fly sensitivity 3 in razer software
best settings for DA ? Just test yourselfe.

I used 450 dpi, 500 hz (used 1000 hz, with 500 hz + 5% to acc :P ), windows sensitivity 6, untouched drivers sensitivity, and X & Y. Played few weeks totally without Razer drivers, and thats best way to play imo - but you should check yourselfe. Buy some decent mouse pad at least. But im lowsens player - something like 70cm/360 - yes, 70.
Lol, I could jump over you and knife you from behind, before you even turned around xD
I used qck steelseries heavy - 45x40cm. - its somehow enough to turn 180 - its only 35cm. :P
waiting for mouse pad to come lol :D
lower your dpi - 800 is enough forquake3 engine (imo even too much).
1800 means lack of mouseaccel. - but some peoples like mouseaccel; for example butchji.
What do you mean? I thought if you go over 1000 dpi you will get mouseaccel. Can you explain further?
trying to get used to 500hz 1800dpi sense 5 and sense 2 in ET suck hard with it but closest to before lol
awesome pick!!! I go tthe 3500dpi deathadder as well ^.^!

Use 3500dpi, use 1000hz response time and leave your windows sensitivity to normal.

Then go ingame and get your perfect ingame sensitivity using RaZiel's (=> own3d.tv) tutorial, and start raping =D
lots of people on vent recommended it I liked it cause it's quite simple aka not 10 buttons on the side etc lol

But for years on this game I have used a £2 logitech office mouse so going to take a while to get used to this lol. Everyone tells me settings that are so much different option wise lol
don't worry, you'll be alright =P
I suggest getting a better mouse pad as well... helps a lot
1000Hz, 800dpi, 2sens
Or 400dpi 4sens

ET might give you negative acceleration on too high dpis without Rinput. h8m3 is a mouse nerd, ask him!
mAus' profile
450 dpi, 1.2 in game :D (1000 Hz ofc)
Don't use it over 1600dpi and use the highest rate the mouse can pull off
the lower the dpi is the better :P
3500dpi 1000hz
lol so what's better lower or higher dpi :S
450dpi and 1000hz others are trolling
450dpi and 500hz others are trolling
yo m8, test some weeks you will pwn anyhow:)
when gaan we spitten?
ga slapen lol:P
1800dpi, 500hz, 4/11 win senz
450 500 6/11 3.2
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