JEWGATE @ eSr\ worm

worm busted on the last match

FINDING AN INFORMATION about this cheater by Anonymous set and Poland Luk4ward, posted by DVL and Germany/Poland NoOne (ORGINAL SOURCE: )
(i dont know if they want to post it here but i think that et players shoud know a true)

"Hello all.
I wanna show you something about this cheater.
First of all he don't have guid and cheaters guid :

Yes you can say that this is bug - Ok. Then look at this :
Nice radar and gold ?

(+eSr^worm02) if someone wants the wallpaper.

Sry guys but i did not knew that pb can make screens from your wallpaper.
BTW Wallpaper without ICONS ???? :O

(+eSr^worm02) It was my wallpaper for some amount of time.

Hmm how about his yawn ?

No guids ? Yea of cuz. He played a lot - all 3 slots. New force ? Smile)

His friends also have problems with pbss :

Ok you can say that it's not enough. So look at this :

Those screens are from our last Official game in Open Cup. We played againts him yesterday. Those screens are from
diffirent maps.


Guys IMO he is using PBBLOCKER. If we cannot see his game then we can say that he can use everything WH,rivatuner
everything. Pbblocker is one of the part of bots from nC. If you will allow such a thing in CB then we gonna have
lots of cheaters in ET.

I wanna see what is your opinion about that. Last thing :
Cheat logs.

Friends gray screens :
There is more of them but i won't copy more - our main target is Esr'Worm

That's all. W8ing for your decision.


We have contacted with some streaming admin of pbbans to check this guy. Coz as u may see on yawn there are only 3
records <wow>...So when he typed the guid in the database called master player index and he found that this player
was plyaing on 4 guids:

1) 955cf5ea

* related info:

2) f98f96c6

* related info:;search=GUID;query=Search [ ]

3) 73d936cb

and these range of ips:

I) 88.152.14.x - 88.155.198.x

* related info: [Israel]


* related info:

4th guid: 3e28a66a

Guess what, this ip is from Israel too []

Hope u will ban this guy as soon as possible. This info can be proofed by Buldog who is a streaming game admin on
pbbans too."

GOOD WORK BY Anonymous set and Poland Luk4ward another cheater busted
we have a sherlock here
too much to read sorry bb :<
omighot no wai not real worm imo :(

kill him @ cpc2 imo
holy potatoes!
Talent and experience.
SET and LUK4WARD are THE BEST SHERLOCKs , thay busted many cheaters!!!

eSr\worm BUSTED
its not your text
more lies plz
The grey screeeenys are normal and the other too
<<this one, it comes when antialiasing or anisotropic is on..
Yes but it can be used as pbs-blocker, too. But it's mainly about to have the same pbshot view on 4 different maps.
ye but this news is about worm, not about other players. will be nice when u can see it.
worm m8 you dissapointed me :/ ....

btw nice bust ... good job!
no cheats, just skilled player
what about four time ip pbban?
n1 tasioo
i see set is a cheaterbuster now

kind of reminds me of the ip spoofing thing...
i always was
irc logs ban plz
irc logs ban plz
QuoteBTW Wallpaper without ICONS ???? :O

Lol, by right clicking at your desktop you can choose to remove icons from it. So in that case you would have a clean desktop, like he has. Or he could just've deleted them. Possible as well, some people prefer an empty wallpaper.
so he didn't play at all? all the scrnshots were the same as in he was @desktop the whoel game?
don't forget his friends use that wallpaper too!
what a sucky wallpaper
Ok,lets make things clrear,benjee and superjew both have the same gfx crad 7200XT or GT im not quite sure,but those gfx cards has a well known bug which gets you a gray pb screenshots,so about benjee and superjew,they are fine and clean.

But when it comes to worm,well...baiscly PB cant take a picture of something which is NOT part of ET,that means,they cant capture your wallpaper or anything in your PC,( pics , txt files ,pr0n sites ) if they will,you can sue them for breaking your privacy,thats why when you minimize your ET and trying to get a pbss,the pbss will come out black,beuacse PB has blocked it from taking something which is not part of ET,like your wallpaper,thats why I would say PBSS BLOCKER for worm.

another interesting thing is the fact that when someone posted a journal about worm's screenshot, suddenly "NO MORE WALLPAPER 4 U" just some weird shit from the game it self.

Not entirely true, because there is a know issue with PB where it can in fact get PBSS of your desktop with some combinations of software/hardware and having dual monitors.
fact is that this is a pbss blocker cause like 10 pbss were the same unless he minimized the exact times during a game when pbss were taken, you should stop arguing
his "friends" got same the same "wallpaper" on pbss.
I don't care about this worm guy, I'm simply stating that it's not true that PB can't ever get SS of someones desktop, and that bug I stated doesn't require the client to be minimized.
It would be better if you didn't say such things when you don't know, so unless you have knowledge of that issue being fixed you should stop commenting on it.
show me an example - proof that such a bug exists.

other than the "i didnt hack, honest, it's a bug!"

seems a rather unreasonable bug - why the hell would it take a screenshot of your desktop from the same place since pbss takes scrnshots fro mrandom places WHILE your ET is not minimized? (then shut up and don't, cause it is not relevant)

and again you will answer "i'm not talking about this particular guy."
Your wide knowledge on that subject explains why your guid + pb kick appeared on server logs dozens of times each morning while you used to play in my clan and then accidentally called us noobs and moved to play with Raskl, Saviour, Rizzla and few others not even worth to mention.
show me the logs or shut the hell up,k?
I'm actually impressed. You try so hard to bust me.. (Even tho I don't even cheat)
I guess you should make a cheat-officers clan then.
About my guid - I had an ETPro guid on my old pc (I had an old Seagate HDD back then)
and when I changed the HDD to a Western Digital one, suddenly I didn't have the guid anymore.
Then I bought a new PC, (With WD HDD) and guess what.. Unknown guid. In fact, even if I was a cheater, I wouldn't hide my guid.. What's the point?
Anyway, I guess you rely on ETPro too much.. Here's a quote from the ETPro forums:
Quoteetpro guids are unreliable and should not be used


As for the PB screenshots, IT WAS my wallpaper. And I also think it's a shame that PB is a spyware.
I don't know what's the cause for this, although two of my clan members are having the same problem... What makes you think that especially I cheat? Because of the picture, or is it because I pwned you in that game and you just can't handle it?
Nice whine btw, "OHH worm 158XP, nice no guid!11"
Well, you don't have any REAL proof that I cheat, so please.. none of this will make any difference.
firstly, ur dynamic ip was banned couple of time for wallhack. even if this is pbbug its impossible to pb makes the same screenshot sixteen times on four diffrent maps. ur pblocker is enough to ban u especially when u were banned in past. anyway pb cant make screenshots from deskop :o


read the post again and again if u dnt understand english, maybe ask your buddies to translate it...We know already that eguids r not reliable, i got WD hdd and have eguid, but ok, lets stay on proofs which are: screenies (show the pb blocker)+ips+bans (on pbbans and psb)...Btw can u show us your previous eguids ? Or you want to hide again smth from us? Arent they:


Well, in database of pbbans u r marked as a cheater, and u can know it or no, they do not care of eguid ! I checked other pb guids and found another ban on PsB...You are in deep sh!t, nxt step will be your last, hope that wont be any next in the game called ET
Complete idiot. Like I care if some lame admin bans my dynamic IP for having no guid,
it changes anyway. And no, I didn't get any ban from PB. Where did you find these guids? They're not mine, here's my old guid -

After making some experiments and trying to figure these weird screenshots, me and superjew realized that the GREY screenshots were caused by the ANTIALISING FILTER and worm's weird screenshots were caused by using "multiple monitors hardware acceleration".

All these settings are part of the Nvidia Contol Panel, and since all of us has gfx card from the same family (GeForce 7xxx) I guess this is the problem causer and changing it will fix the PBscreenshots.

These screenshots were taken today:

With AntiAllising 4x-
With AntiAllising 8xS-

With AntiAllising 4x-
With AntiAllising 8xS-

Multiple monitors hardware acceleration-
Single monitor hardware acceleration-


i didnt call u in any way offence, so calm down...The info can be proofed by any streaming game admin of pbbans (for example Buldog).

This eguid which u posted got a nice history. Last record is: 2006/01/10...I would say weird, many pb guids which i couldnt check (no records). I think there should be new rule for any ET cups etc. like: u can play only if your pb guid is older then 1/2 of year...

p.s i think the demo would be nice to judge u too

@ benjee

ok, it may be a bug, but then watch the screenies of voodoo|dvl who has got 7600gt

so i recommend to show your info to evenbalance, if they confirm that this is a bug then the screenies will be clean.

TT system in ET:


It's not just the gfx card, it's its settings, as i wrote in my comment.

EDIT: if demos you want demos you get. We're uploading them right now.

EDIT#2: worm's demos from the match with voodoo:
worm demo@ r_shownorlams 1, thnx!
its impossible to pb makes the same ss sixteen time on four diffrent maps. imho its rly considered action from ur site to use this pbbug as a pbblocker.
phew..... that was close almsot got me....
i have the new version of pbssblocker :>
lol? i can disable cheats too and make clear pbshot and say u that i'm not cheater.
ok, but it should be cleaned on the offi match i dont care about ur ss atm, i bother only about theese which was taken on the match
But u can't claim that we're cheaters based only about these screenshots. They don't show any aimbot or wallhack. I matter of fact, they show nothing but a suspicion for pb blocker. To prove we use cheats you need more than that - demo/pbban/screenshot with people beyond walls.
I've givven link to worm's demos few commants ago, you can do whatever you want with them. If you want my demos or superjew's, just ask.
To prove we use cheats you need more than that - demo/pbban/screenshot with people beyond walls.

LOL. pls
demo - we have it /r_shownormals 1 shows everything, and benjee ur comment prove that u r cheaters
The pbbans in the topic are not of worm. It's another players, I don't even know who. I don't know where have you got these pb guids from.
And I've explained the pbss for thousand time already, just read my older comments.
u dont have to explain, i told u , demo shows everything especially on sd2 where worm is cheating !
Please, make an .avi, even one suspected situation.
wtf? so u should make an avi to prove that ur not a cheater! BUSTED
you don't have any proof that u are clear.
First of all, where are demos. Second of all I already wrote:

so i recommend to show your info to evenbalance, if they confirm that this is a bug then the screenies will be clean.

TT system in ET:

Thats possible, but again I'm not talking about this particular guy, its about PB SS in general.
you've got what u'r wanted
u @ finals
have phun
its not the end.
buy new headset
will help you out
cheaters always die young!
BTW. i agree with qbas "its impossible to pb makes the same ss sixteen time on four diffrent maps..." but we have to waiting for answer from evenbalance.

BTW2." Voodoo Gaming win from by forfeit "
ofc all of them cheaters.....
To sum up

1) Have You already contacted pb them via TT ?:

If guys from pb confirm about the bug then the screenies will be clean, but then why other ppl who have got gf from 7x series should have clean screenies and only 1 person no during the match? What's more if u ve knew about these settings which hide you from punkbuster, why u used it on the match?

2) I saw demo and i can spot using wallhack
3) In database of pbbans u r marked as a cheater
4) Other guids show another ban from PsB

In my opinion based on these points u r a cheater or similar to him ;). We should filter such ppl from ET scene and i dnt care if hes pol, ger, fin, isr


p.s tasioo ffs, im not from germany lol
ah, now its monitors settings, nice1
you are being ridicolous calling someone a cheater and trying to find reasons to call him a "Cheater"
you are now on the final ' good luck you didnt even earn it

the demos shows skill of worm not any action of WH

Sure he got gray pbss and a screenshot of his wallpaper
as many said before its a bug

u got raped
live with it
don't play yourself a moron Saviour, you deffo not one but hackzor yourself who had much time of playing in hackers clans and with hackers.

about pb screenshot bug please explain that to netcoders who utilize random image as pb screenshots and i'm sure there more fish than netcoders.
im sAvior not the dutch saviour
never played with hackers soz
hahaha more whine! r u his mother? maybe u work for evenbalance! it's doesnt matter, are u think that a wallper on his pb_ss is a bug? n1 for u!

thx, now remove the sh!tty link !!!

@ savior

your opinion is useless, so think twice before post


1) using gfx bugs on match = bad luck
2) following the head of the opponent tru the wall = bad luck
3) ban from pbbans, so hes marked as a cheater = bad luck
4) another found ban for the same ip from PsB = bad luck

yay, how many bad lucks !

read the opinions on pbbans:

this is nice:
Quote by kcinc0gnito everyone one of those SS have the same text " xxx player has killed himself " as noted in the white text..

there is no way in hell that "everytime" a pbss is taken that the same text/image would be in the same spot.

not only that but its a different map per pbss.. so yes its a pbss blocker no question about it..

EoT !!!
Sure,btw worm isnt in my "Gang" I got kicked out of #eSrael and as a replacement for my spot in the clan they got worm in,thats why I sould hate him right? I do,but I dont think that he hacked,I rly dont,and yea,stfu again,beacuse your talking bs non-stop,you got the logs? good,you dont,too bad.
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