Electricity in need

Because #normality line-up is inactive and things don't seem to work out like their suppoused to. I'd like to have another go on OC 1st/2nd league teams who are in need of 5th or active back-up.

About me
+ Mature
+ Can play everything. In pracs of Norm i went from Medic/Fop to Rifle.
+ Available every day/if needed unless i got 3pm-3am shifts at work (Couple days in month).
+ Somewhat skilled
+ Ex-teams in my profile

About you
+ Active and have a stable line-up. So i can be 5th or back-up
+ OC 1st/2nd division
+ EstoniaUnited Kingdom

Retarded comments are not welcome in here.

You can find me at #normality or pm here.
gl United Kingdomlondon electricity
I'm not london Elektricity. His too nab.

He has elek not elec.
We got an official versus normality this sunday, so that will be cancelled? Because im trying to contact you for few days already. Forfeit or still play? I prefer not to win on forfeit. So just play one more time?
Sincerely doupt it since i haven't reached 2 of my players yet. And recruiting at this stage seems pointless to me. Constant line-up changes etc. So i'm sorry.
Could you tell me now what it will be: Play or forfeit. Because we got an official on the same time(21:00), and 20:00 cet so I've to know. Because if you say lets play it, we have to arrange a date/time
Obviously i can't tell you now. I will tell you when i will know.
Please tell me before 15:00cet tomorrow
should have contacted me on cf ;-)

though admittly ive been busy with uni
I sent you 2 msges. No replies m8y;) But i will try atm sth new with normality.
on cf ?? coz i didnt get them

anyway im avi but i need to know what days and times we prac and stuff

ive been busy with uni + gf
GL Eerik m8
If you play on the map oasis and you're swimming does the water makes you highskilled? It sure is effective!
I was just about to say the same
kanker retard jij
I think ur mad, but I just think that
i think u have a big cancer tumor in ur ballsack
madness on battery
Nou dat werd ver gezocht.
image: sadcat-did-not-lol
gl, good player, deserve something nice
oc prem:')
good luck
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