Z1P need team

looking for team pm me here for more infos

can play (mon-thur and sundays)

remembers me => :}D
Z1PP0 > you
gl zip, great objective player
tis maar een noob tbh
ik vond hem wel aardig in digital insanity: )
hehe ! :)
what happened with web5?
what happend with epic/web5 ? :[
gl i hope you will take your experience with epic as a lesson and you won't do the same mistakes.

Awesome rifle if you don't care about his backwards :)
is obvious you dont know him at all as he is 1000 times better medic and field ops than rifle.
no me jodas, habermelo dicho y te pillaba para el partido de ladder xD
se lo dije a salego y me dijo k erais 5 ya!
bueno se lo dijimos a diablos ya que nos faltaba gente. A mi me molaria que jugases con nosotros de fijo, hemos perdido bastante en cuanto a teamplay y disparando estos aún estan flojillos, aunque vamos mejorando no somos lo que eramos, mucho empanamiento general con nuestros medicos y tu tienes teamplay y aim y juegas a obj que es algo inaudito hoy en día, asi que ya me diras algo.
si si ya hablaremos k ahora ando x clase, pero x mi bien. Estos guiris son demasiao nolifers (mas k yo) :P
ya ves, yo estoy currando aunque parezca mentira xDDD
Luego hablamos por IRC o TS.
that wasn't the reason vivi
Dont know the reason to be honest, just asked him to play cause we play with him sometimes and needed a 5th for an offi, im glad it wasn't our fault :D
we finally took Croatiadiablos that made a more than decent job as always
the reason is that ZIP dared asking me if he could play for u instead of our pracc, knowing that he was just re integrated in the team, then as he was pissed not to play with u, he wasn't talking during the game n stuff. Z1P remained the same guy so there's the reason among others :>
"could play for u instead of our pracc" NOT RLY
dude you failed so hard
i want uggs
poor raffou, needs to search for a rifle again :(
=) maybe got a replacement already !
carlos ur terribad in riddles. the name has been mentioned in this post, ANY IDEA?
but i dont know sabio :( and i thought snipo was funnier (:
sabio u loller
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