ET lag

maybe someone can help me,

my ET seems to be lagging,
and it's not my ping, i got the normal 48 ping,
i got 125 fps stable.

but it's seems to have a half second delay.

for example: i schoot, but i hear my hitsounds half a second later.

but in my replay everything seems normal

is there someone with the same problem or is this normal?

can it be caused by win7? because sinds i have win 7 the lag is there also
Definatly not normal, but dont know what could be causing it
yeah i know,

i thought maybe my harddisc is broke or just to old.
try shoot vs other oponent, are u using wifi?
i tried but it's the same on all servers,
nope no wifi for me
also tried without punkbuster? :p
do you have nvidia or ati?
i got nvidia geforce gtx460
do you have the 3d settings at default in the nvidia panel?
If so, i would try to play with these settings a bit, I would first turn threaded optimalisation off because ET does not support it anyway, and this setting is known to cause lag

if that doesnt help, try with the anisotropic and antialiasing stuff disabled

Oh and about punkbuster, that can be the problem, just try on a server without pb or just run the map yourself ^^
got the same sometimes :(
schoot enemies can sometimes make time delayed so problem is cant fix
if you have Chipset NVIDIA it is that the problem, have the same problem :(
Have similar problem, havent found a way to fix it.
Check your sound settings...
it's also visual,
when i shoot the wall, the mark is visable half a second later
Your screen is slow :D
i wish it was that easy...

but i think it is my i-net cuz on lan i had no trouble at al
tried that, didn't work
using XP ? Linux ?

try on another computer
also got that problem, 48 ping, 125 fps, is it maybe caused by w-lan or smth?
R_swapinterval 0
what does that do?
Disables vsync in ET
tried that, didn't work:(
got the some problem sometimes :X
ure in the matrix
Computer specs would really help, there's lots of shit that can cause delays.. The most likly is a crappy Monitor or a shitty Internet (interleaving usually) but then there's also drivers that cause a system to be laggy, usually it's crappy sata/ide controller or crappy chipset. Could also just be a bios issue or a crappy motherboard all together... Need some specs to really check for any known problems.
ACER 23" widescreen
i download with 2 Mbs

System model: P5K/EPU
BIOS: BIOS Date: 04/18/08 Ver: 08.00.12
Processor: Inter core 2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00Ghz (2CPUs), ~3.0GHZ
Memory 2046 RAM

this is what i could find
well check the model for input lag, most likely that's the problem, just google the name of the display (on the back) and look for input lag or just normal specs to check how much ms it has.
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