uTl. Unlimited gaming - Now Recruiting

Hi ,
We are now recruiting for a skilled rifle.
We also looking for playes that use SLAC and have vent.
Our Team is new.
First match today on Ettv 3-3
We win. 4-2

Need more skills. Please write back or email [email protected]

Now Recruiting!
What the fuck is this all about?
What the fuck is this all about?
What the fuck is this all about?
did i broke something? hihihi
I dont get this?? What skill?? Where WHHAAAA this all makes no sense ;X
UNLIMITED(!!!!) gaming !
What the fuck is this all about?
I could, but as far as i remember you accused me of cheating few days ago + ego quited so i don't feel like playing with high-ego lows =)
Member For: 0 days
G lfor recruit xD
you loughin boout him?
Member For: 9 months and 15 days
shouldnt it be uLt ? rofl
QuoteMember For: 0 days

We are now recruiting for a skilled rifle.
Our Team is new.

what the fu...
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