Searching for 1/2. looking for 1/2 more

Be able to compete decent at OC 2nd
Be fop/medic

lineup: scope, grb, solar, tau, TBA, kolibri

pm me for infos @
gl scopeIIIII, reTARD & Tau<3
gl scope
I thought this was EC team?
gl gauys :)
seareal left his own team?
gl solar,scope
gl solar&koli :)
gl kolibri!
gl kolibiriri
why do you want half of a player?
i could be avi, you can pm me on #unbrained.gaming or here
Quotelineup: scope, grb, solar, tau, TBA, kolibri

where's retarded cunt aka seareall? :x
sCope stabbacker
scope playing with noobs
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