Curse avi for OC

Hello cf trollers! I have been inactive few months cuz broken hand and now active again. I am searching 5on5 team which is active on ladders etc. I am avi for OC!


¤ Stable
¤ Mature
¤ I can play 3-4 times/week
¤ Pref medic but smg engi if needed
¤ Low+ atm
¤ Not cheater/ex
¤ Team player
¤ SLAC user
¤ Speak Finland or United Kingdom


¤ Got servers etc.
¤ skill dont matter but with good teamplay/activity
¤ SLAC users
¤ Speak Finland or United Kingdom
¤ No cheaters

You can contact here or #sydamenasialla
You'll stay low, because you're cursed.
R0SS plays with a fucked up hand, and still owns!

Good luck.
Quotefew months cuz broken hand

since when do hands keep broken a few months? :D
one of my tendon was cut so there is long rehabilitation :)
You would still do headshots with your cheat, tho. /!\
Best of luck curse my friend!
gl köörs
tankke shöön
gl PolandCursed
its Curse and NOT polak :D
gl Poland Cursed
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