
problem: it feels like there is a drag/delay when i move my mouse, its messing up my shot, and i never changed anything, ive tried re-installing, and it wont fix it, my mouse: mx518, its annoying, save me

image: image.php?&aid=1308&cute-animal-picture
i will save you
high ping
The sensor might be fucked up. If you still got the guarantee, bring it to the shop to get it fixed, or better, to get a new one.
Tho I got the MX518 for 2 years now, and it's still working fine.
i used to play jaymod, and there was a guy called c1*Avocado :)
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, yes, i see, said the blind man.i guess i will just win all the razer crap instead :) oh tropic, use dat elastic grappling hook shit to save me from the turbans, ty
wahat? :D
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