Z1P need team...

looking for team pm me here for more infos (no new projects)

can play (mon-thur and sundays)

gl very nice guy!

take him!
Why out of that team? :C
Goodluck though, was fun to play against u :DDD
Gl Z1P :]
To be honest years ago you were nice guy but last time you acted like angry internet nerd.
To be honest years ago you were nice guy but last time you acted like angry internet nerd.
hi 2 u, France jean polle le trolle
gl zippo! i don't rrrrrrrrrrrrave slac
cuantos van ya ! xD gl
To be honest years ago you were nice guy but last time you acted like angry internet nerd.
to be honest karma is a good team, & with some patience it can achieve pretty good teamplay, just 2-3 months of training with the same lu ...
problem is he is not the type of person we need, he is a good player but difficult on teamspeak and we are quite calmed guys that play for fun, he needs a more "serious" team, thats why we decided it was better for both that he played with another team. We desire him gl ofc.

now we have our old friend diablos back so we will keep improving hopefully :D
diablos is croatian \serbian ? )
with 5 guys which speak spanish u definetly have a slight advantage over international teams which use english 8)
yeah the croatian guy, our 2nd engie is from belgium. our teamspeak is quite funny with us speaking spanglish and them trying to understand :D
I jsut realized it's actually zip's topic & after mentioning him jsut once
we keep discussing the stuff about your clan, already made like 3 messages :DD
To be honest years ago you were nice guy but last time you acted like angry internet nerd.
Sorry I don't rraaaaveuh slac!

gl Z1POZ1PO :)
gl h&s nub
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