Problem @ ET startup

In short;

1st startup works fine, no probs. But once I quit ET and try to run it again it gives me a grey screen and I have to kill ET.exe @ task manager. After deleting profiles @ etpro folder it starts again normally, but it's getting really annoying cause i have to delete profiles everytime I want to play.

Is there a way around this? :o

what did you do to solve it? :D
lol help me too =<
do fs_etpro away from ur icon
i have the same problem if i use fs_game etpro but without it works fine althought i use hlsw or ase to connect
have you tried anything yourself ?
get +exec blabla.cfg +set fs_game etpro away from your path
I have reformatted my system & it works fine now. Thx 4 ur help anyways :)
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